Medical Needling - Faltenbehandlung und Reduktion von Schwangerschaftsstreifen bei Wieners und Pantlen Berlin

Medical needling, also known as microneedling or medical needling, is an innovative and gentle method to refine the skin's appearance, smooth wrinkles and visibly improve scars or stretch marks. Effective results can be achieved after just a few sessions - and without putting any strain on the skin.

The treatment is particularly gentle, almost painless and requires no downtime. The result: visibly more even and smoother skin, without any surgical intervention.

Medical needling is fundamentally different from the cosmetic needling offered in cosmetic institutes. As doctors, we have the opportunity to treat much more intensively and thus achieve much more effective results - far beyond what can be achieved with cosmetic needling.

  • How is medical needling performed?

    We work with the Dermapen® in our practice. This allows us to determine the penetration depth precisely for the desired effect. You can choose between 0.5 mm and 2.5 mm penetration depth. For example, we work on the sensitive upper lip or lower eyelid with a penetration depth of 0.5 mm, while a penetration depth of 2.5 mm is possible for the forehead or cheek.

  • How does medical needling work?

    As with any other skin injury, tiny microneedles with an extremely fine tip radius (<3µm) trigger the organism's classic wound and self-healing process. However, due to the very fine injury pattern, no scarring occurs. Complex processes at the cellular level lead to an increased immigration of different skin cells (fibroblasts, keratinocytes and enzymes (MMPs)), which are responsible for the regeneration of the skin and its elasticity and ultimately result in an increased formation of collagen and elastin fibers.

  • What are the areas of application of medical needling?

    The classic indications for medical needling with the Dermaroller® or the Dermastamp® are:

  • How does a treatment with the Dermastamp® work?

    Treatment with the Dermastamp® is carried out on an outpatient basis in our practice.

  • How many treatments are required?

    The number of treatments with the Dermastamp® depends on the respective indication. When treating scars, it has been shown that a scar improvement of around 40% - 50% can be expected after the first session. The second treatment shows a further improvement of around 20% and after the third treatment another 10% can be achieved.

  • What should be considered?

    If you are undergoing medical needling, you may need to stop taking blood thinners (be sure to discuss this with your doctor beforehand). You should also avoid solariums and direct sunbathing for 4 weeks.

  • What are the risks and side effects of a micro needling treatment?

    After the treatment, the skin is usually a little red and swollen. Sometimes small bruises appear and the skin may flake a little more than usual. After just a few days, these effects of the treatment are no longer visible.

  • How much does it cost?

    The costs are individual and depend on the size of the area to be treated and the time required, the indication and the method chosen. Please expect prices starting at €100 per session.

  • How is medical needling performed?

    We work with the Dermapen® in our practice. This allows us to determine the penetration depth precisely for the desired effect. You can choose between 0.5 mm and 2.5 mm penetration depth. For example, we work on the sensitive upper lip or lower eyelid with a penetration depth of 0.5 mm, while a penetration depth of 2.5 mm is possible for the forehead or cheek.

  • How does medical needling work?

    As with any other skin injury, tiny microneedles with an extremely fine tip radius (<3µm) set the body's classic wound and self-healing process in motion. However, due to the very fine injury pattern, no scarring occurs. Complex processes at the cellular level lead to an increased immigration of different skin cells (fibroblasts, keratinocytes and enzymes (MMPs)), which are responsible for the regeneration of the skin and its elasticity and ultimately result in an increased formation of collagen and elastin fibers.

  • What are the areas of application of medical needling?

    The classic indications for medical needling with the Dermapen® are:

  • How does a treatment with the Dermastamp® work?

    Treatment with the Dermapen® is carried out on an outpatient basis in our practice.

  • How many treatments are required?

    The number of treatments with the Dermapen® depends on the respective indication. When treating scars, it has been shown that a scar improvement of around 40% - 50% can be expected after the first session. The second treatment shows a further improvement of around 20% and after the third treatment another 10% can be achieved.

  • What should be considered?

    If you are undergoing medical needling, you may need to stop taking blood thinners (be sure to discuss this with your doctor beforehand). You should also avoid solariums and direct sunbathing for 4 weeks.

  • What are the risks and side effects of a micro needling treatment?

    After the treatment, the skin is usually a little red and swollen. Sometimes small bruises appear and the skin may flake a little more than usual. After just a few days, these effects of the treatment are no longer visible.

  • How much does it cost?

    The costs are individual and depend on the size of the area to be treated and the time required, the indication and the method chosen. Please expect prices starting at €100 per session.

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