Breast malformations occur during the embryonic development phase and can appear in a variety of forms. Some of them are simple malformations of the nipple, such as complete absence (athelia) or the so-called inverted nipple (see also inverted nipple correction), and others are complex malformations involving the mammary gland and the chest wall (e.g. Poland syndrome).

Brustfehlbildung behandeln bei Wieners und Pantlen Berlin
Brustfehlbildung behandeln bei Wieners und Pantlen Berlin

The most common types of breast deformity are tubular breast deformities and more or less pronounced breast asymmetries, which often lead to considerable psychological stress for young patients. As specialists in plastic and aesthetic surgery with health insurance approval, Dr. Wieners and Dr. Pantlen are happy to advise and support you in obtaining reimbursement from your health insurance.

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